Monday, 28 November 2011

Express, Impress, Redress

Express, Impress, Redress

This is something that I came up with that follows on from some other designs I've been doing recently.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Sometimes, I feel like this...

This is a design sketch / idea that I came up with recently. I'd done a drawing in a similar style a few years ago, the same kind of Aztec-y pictograph concept. I'd remembered that it had worked quite well so I decided to draw a new version of it.

I'm also bearing this in mind for a portfolio site I'm working on that this will lend itself well to, and I think there are a number of ways that I may explore the look and feel that this could lend a website.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Gagarin re-modeled.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Yuri Gagarin

I was reading a little about Yuri Gagarin's achievements today, it was featured due to the anniversary of the first manned space flight. I find the whole Space Race era quite fascinating, it's almost the light side to the cold war. So I thought it would be fitting to do some artwork inspired by this subject. These drawings are oil pastel on paper.

Yuri Gagarin artwork
Another Yuri Gagarin piece of artwork

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Work with what you've got

This is more of a watch this space post then anything else, but in these tough economic times and currently feeling the penny pinch personally at this time I have to be resolved to work with what I have.

The great thing about this is though, I can put a stop to the wasteful consumer in me that wants to use four sketchbooks to do four sketches, and buy a new set of paints, to add to my four other sets of paints (ok I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea).

When I think back to my time in the UK and the canvases I bought but never quite got around to painting, I feel more determined to work with what I've got.

So, as this is a watch this space kind of blog post, here's a little tantilising teaser for you: