Monday, 17 June 2013

Ink sky T-shirt design

Men's Standard T-Shirt - T-Shirts Ink sky - colourful
Sketchidea T-shirts@Spreadshirt
Ink sky - colourful

A T-shirt design based on a design I created (2013), using inks.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

By the beach

These are a selection of sketches made during Summer 2012, at Crescent Beach (Surrey, BC) and Steveston (BC).

Check out sketchidea for more designs

Monday, 20 May 2013

Land, sea and air

Without Queen Victoria this piece of art would never have been created! It's Victoria Day today here in Canada, which means I've not had to go to work today, and I've had some time to invest in my creative pursuits. This image is actually an evolution of various pieces I've been creating for the last couple of years. Its a rules oriented creation that is inspired by the shapes created by language and the written word, whilst not actually representing any specific letters or symbols. What interests me is how diverse shapes and patterns can be whilst still being inherently similar and resembling each other. There is a never ending spectrum of possibility which every artist draws on when creating new work. My previous work on factoral patterns showed me that if from four shapes you can render twenty four variations then from the wealth of inspiration around us, no artist need ever scratch their head at a loss for something to create!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Ink portraits

Here's a series of portraits drawn from memory.

Friday, 1 February 2013


Some glyph-y designs. Pen over acrylic ink.


This cheetar may not be the friendliest creature and certainly not recommended as a pet

Saturday, 5 January 2013


Feels good to have the marker pens out again! So...I'll begin 2013 with a tiger's head!